Monday, September 30, 2019

Position Paper Essay

It is truly a T.G.I.F for elementary students in public schools because last September 16, 2010 Department of Education released a memorandum, called Memorandum 392 that orders elementary teachers to avoid giving their students home works during weekends. The Memorandum states that ‘ 1. Homework or assignments have been part of the pupils’ lives in their schooling. Common homework/assignment may include a period of reading to be done and writing to be completed, problems to be solved and projects to be worked on among others. The purpose of which is for the pupils to increase their knowledge and improve their abilities and skills. see more:should hw be banned 2. However, it has been observed that parents complain about too many pupils’ homework or assignments which rob themselves and their children quality time to be together in more enjoyable activities. 3. Hence it is advised that the teachers limit the giving of homework to reasonable quantity to give their ample time to rest and relax at home for the rest of the day. 4. Therefore no homework or assignment shall be given during weekends for pupils to enjoy their childhood and spend quality time with their parents without being burdened by the thought of doing lots of homework. Since teachers, parents and students always debate about this in the internet, I would like to share my stand in this issue. As a student and a future educator, I am in favor for the implementation of the No home works on weekend’s policy in grade school. First, according to number two guideline of the Deped Memorandum 392 S.2010; homework or assignment on weekends robs quality time of the parents and the children to be together in more enjoyable activities. I personally believe that weekends are for relaxing and of course bonding time with the family. According to a parent from, kids study 5 days a week with only a few hours with their family. It’s a difficult to manage, when teachers give home work over the weekend it takes away time from them doing sports, going outside, and even family time. According to a PNU Student, particularly a P.E Major she said that ‘we spend a lot more time awake at school. When we go home, we just sleep. We barely had time with our family’.  Also, according to a tumblr blogger which is a teacher; The State should see the value of quality Family bonding especially today when there seems to be a little time and opportunity for Parents to talk to their children. This quality time is a means to discuss sensitive issues that only parents can deliver and to strengthen the family ties. I believe that family time would be a productive and this time could help the children develop not only mentally but of course emotionally. Also according to an article in assignments always cause nightly conflicts among the parents and the child so I think that weekends can be a timeout and an exemption for this situation. According to the Assistant Secretary of DEPED, Mr. Toni Umali children should not only learn from school itself, they must also learn the importance of the family bonding. Aside from family matters, when kids are bombarded with a lot of assignments during weekend it does not only affects their bonding time with their family but also their health. I conducted a survey among PNU students and some of the answers concerns about the health of the students. According to a History major he is in favor of the policy because, in today’s educational system, a student’s week is crowded with too much school activities, leaving the student no room for recreation. Disallowing home works on weekends will be in favor of the student’s proper development not only mentally but also physically, emotionally and socially. Another response that came from our fellow English Major was ‘Yes, ‘coz students should relax their mind every weekend. Doing homework in weekends would stress out students and if students will be stressed out, their health would be at risk. According to Kids needs time to be kids, they need unstructured playtime; they need to play outside with their friends and of course physical exercise. Also a student answered that kids are studying 5 straight days a week and she don’t think that having 2 days break from it would be a reason for the kids to fail. A point was well raised by our fellow English major and a STA Major. The English major said that having no home works on weekends would inculcate laziness in the minds of our students So that students, in an early stage will learn how to prioritize and manage time. According to the STA Major ‘No, because as students it is our responsibility to do our assignments that  would enhance our deeper analysis or understanding in our lessons. It doesn’t mean that if it is weekend, we should enjoy or rest all through. As students, we need those home works for our weekend to be productive’ For me having no homework on weekend does not promote the habit of laziness, instead it promotes the importance of family bonding and that family should be a priority as mentioned above that is what memorandum 392 was meant for; to increase the time for the children to bond with their parents/family. Another well raised point was from a male student from University of Santo Tomas he said that he is not favor in No Homework Policy, because how come that the students understand the Lesson and also force them to reread again the lesson, so that they can deeply understand it. Well according to home works does not really equate to higher achievement. Study show that in elementary there is a weak link between achievement and home works. Most countries with less home works lead to have higher scores in achievement tests. Countries with more home work assigned like Greece, Thailand and Iran have the worst average scores. The last point that I would like to mention was a point raised by a fellow English Major that is not in favor of No Home works on weekend’s policy, she answered: No. Because home works act as supplements/follow-ups to the lessons taught inside the classroom. I believe so but I think it would be a great help if the assignments are not given during Fridays that would be pass on Monday the coming week. Let’s be considerate and give our kids free time to explore. Kids would also learn with life experiences that could be related with their topic in school. After all, kids are kids. They may not be able to absorb all the stress and the pressure in the environment maybe we’ll be surprised if one day our kids would be afraid to go to school just because he/she was not able to answer the assignments. According to homework may be a form of intrusion on family life, and may increase the drop-out rate in schools. The bottom line of this is we want what’s good for kids. We don’t train robots, we train humans. We don’t only fill the brains of our students; we should be able to fill their hearts. Let’s make learning easy and enjoyable  let us not take times in which children could do something great with their family and treasure the memory for the rest of their lives. Let us not make learning a horrible experience for our students, the government, the community, the teachers and most especially the parents should do their part to be able to develop a child into a intelligent, responsible and loving human being that could do something to promote excellence to the following generations. References:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Assignment Writing Guide Essay

INTRODUCTION While your assignment comprises only 25% of your subject grade, it serves an  important function in helping you focus on the concepts and clarify your learning. In this sense, the assignment prepares you for the exam, which is much more heavily weighted at 75%. Scoring well on the assignment can sometimes mean the difference between a pass and a fail for the subject – or a high distinction versus just a distinction. This Assignment Writing Guide consists of five parts: 1. Importance of citation and referencing 2. Using peer reviewed / scholarly journal articles; 3. A nine-step approach to writing assignments; 4. The basic format of an assignment; and 5. Appendix A – Example assignment with added comments IMPORTANCE OF CITATION AND REFERENCING 1. Assignments must contain proper citations and referencing using the Harvard ‘authordate’ style referred to in the AIB Style Guide, that is: a. citations (or in-text references) of quoted and paraphrased materials to support your arguments/comments; and b. a reference list relating specifically to your in-text references. 2. Your grade will be adversely affected if there are no or poor citations and/or reference list, as referred to above. 3. Your assignment should normally contain the following number of relevant references from different sources in the reference list. a. BBA assignments: 5 – 10 b. MBA assignments: 6 – 12 4. All references must be from credible sources such as books, peer reviewed journals, magazines, company documents and recent articles. Students are highly encouraged to use peer reviewed journal articles as this may contribute towards a higher grade. 5. You are encouraged to make use of the AIB online library (i.e., EBSCO Host) which can be accessed through the AIB website. 6. AIB checks assignments with anti-plagiarism software. Please carefully check your assignments before final submission to ensure that all quoted and paraphrased materials are properly cited and referenced. 7. You are strongly advised to carefully read The AIB Style Guide for clarification of these requirements. USING PEER REVIEWED/SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ARTICLES Peer review is an academically accepted measure of quality. Peer reviewed journal articles are normally considered more credible, authentic and reliable as they are evaluated and recommended for publication by several experts in the field. It is therefore strongly suggested that you use the most recent peer reviewed / scholarly articles for your assignment. This will not only provide you with up to date knowledge but will also enable you to produce quality work. The â€Å"Refine your search† option (as shown below) in the AIB Online Library can help you to filter and view the peer reviewed / scholarly articles. Preferably you should filter the publication date to within the last 3 to 5 years. A NINE-STEP APPROACH TO WRITING ASSIGNMENTS The following provides a recommended nine-step approach to writing assignments. It is strongly recommended that you follow these steps in sequential order in order to address your assignment requirements. 1. Read, understand and address the assignment question Carefully read the assignment question and make sure you understand clearly what is being asked. Your submission must be responsive to the assignment question. This is the first and most important step. By doing this you will know what you need to do, how to do it and whether you need some form of assistance to finish the assignment. Furthermore, make sure you check the word count and make sure you understand what is required. The word count  should be used as a guide as to the desired length of your written assignment. But, be mindful that submissions that exceed the word count guide by more than 10% will have marks deducted. Then, consider the subject of the assignment and who will read it. Do the assignment instructions suggest that the assignment should be aimed at a particular manager of a particular organisation? If no particular manager is mentioned in the instructions, assume that the instructor will be  the audience. Whoever the reader is, aim the assignment at them and their requirements and knowledge. 2. Do background reading and jot down notes Do some brief background reading around the topic, starting with your textbook, jotting down the main concepts and ideas that seem relevant. Is there any relevant history related to your topic? Or is there any important detail that will be of high significance to the future? Are there any important people involved? Knowing such details will give you a better idea as to how to start and finish your assignment. 3. Organise your assignment Make a tentative, organized list of headings and some sub-headings and topics about important issues that will have to be addressed. Inform yourself as to how Table of Contents (TOC) fields are formatted in MS Word, or other word processing application you may be using; and how to update the page numbers for your Table of contents as your composition grows and evolves. Fine-tune your listing of subject headings as you start gathering information about the assignment’s topics. Organisation is always the key to a well-written assignment. It not o nly gives you direction as you write, but it also gives your paper a certain level of professionalism. 4. Collate information and note your sources for proper citation and referencing Gather information from articles and other credible sources (preferably from peer  reviewed journal articles). Take notes and write down reference information about your sources (you may forget or lose them, otherwise). The AIB Style Guide has details of what information is required for referencing in the assignment; make sure you collect all that information when you first have your hands on the source of information. Collecting all the necessary information for proper citation and referencing as soon as you encounter the source will save you precious time during the course of your writing. The list will also come in handy if you want to double check information. 5. Organise your notes bearing in mind the marking criteria Organize your notes and finalise the outline with its headings and sub-headings and topics. Consult the Assignment Cover Sheet and Assessment Sheet and the marking criteria for your assignment with weightings for concepts, application of concepts and so on. Bear these in mind as you plan and write the assignment. Comparing your outline with the Assignment Cover Sheet and Assessment Sheet will let you know if you have covered everything that the assignment requires or if you have included something that is irrelevant. It will give you a chance to finalize your outline before proceeding with the actual writing. 6. Start writing the assignment Then, and only then, start writing the assignment. The notes below about the format of an assignment have details of how each part of the assignment should be written (and include the recommended length of some sections). For your assignment writing, we recommend you use the Office Word Format/Font command to set Times New Roman Regular 12 point font, and the Format/Paragraph command to set 1.5 line spacing – refer to the AIB Style Guide. 7. Re-read and re-write your assignment ensuring you adhere to the word count Re-writing is essential. Make sure you add or delete appropriate words or paragraphs and check the spelling and grammar. Prior to re-writing, read and re-read your draft. Check whether the flow of thoughts is clear and maintains continuity. Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and/or improper use of periods, commas or question marks. Make sure you read your assignment carefully to check for errors or omissions. Lastly, ensure that you adhere to the required word count, and add / delete words as necessary. 8. Write the Executive Summary Now write the Executive Summary. This is the summary of the entire assignment. Include only salient points of your assignment. It is called a summary because it is supposed to be brief and comprehensive. 9. Write the References Add the References according the requirements of the AIB Style Guide, and submit the assignment to AIB, remembering to provide a word count which includes the Introduction section through to the beginning of the References section (that is, do not include the Executive Summary/Abstract, References or Appendices in the word count). BASIC FORMAT OF AN ASSIGNMENT REPORT This section will explain how you should develop the sections of your assignment. An example assignment that follows this format is provided at Appendix A. Title page Give your assignment a title and type out the main words from the assignment for the marker to know what the assignment is all about. Include the name of the business investigated if you are writing a case study. The title of the assignment should be comprehensive enough to give the reader an idea about the coverage of the assignment. Also, you need to place the word count (which includes all text from the Introduction section to the end of the Conclusion section) here. Executive summary This tells your reader what the assignment is about because it describes the topics or issues discussed, as well as providing a summary of the  conclusions and recommendations and reasons for them. Before going through the entire assignment, readers first want to see the summary. In fact in many busy business situations, sometimes decisions are often made solely on the basis of executive summary if it is persuasive. Your executive summary should include what you did, how you did it, what your main findings were and what are your key recommendations. Although the executive summary appears as first section of the  assignment, it should be written last after completing the assignment. Do not include any sub headings in this section. It is usually one or two paragraphs and should not be more than 250 words. Remember to not include these words in the word count, except if you are asked to write a marketing plan. As the executive summary is part of the marketing plan, it is included in the word count. Table of contents After the title page and the executive summary, you should show a table of contents with a list of the numbered sections and subsections of the assignment, with their page numbers. Numbered appendices, tables and figures with their titles should also be presented in the table of contents. MS Word provides a function for inserting an automatic table of contents. Please ensure the table of contents is updated before you submit the completed assignment. To update the page numbers in the contents table, when you have completed your assignment: †¢ left click on the table †¢ right click and select Update Field †¢ ensure â€Å"Update page numbers only† is selected †¢ click OK Introduction The introduction tells your reader what you are going to tell them in the body of your assignment. The first paragraph of your introduction gives the background to the assignment and why it is useful. Then your second paragraph should say what the aim, purpose or objective of the assignment is, any limitations and a very brief summary of the sections (no more than about two lines for this summary of the sections). The whole Introduction section should not take more than about half a page or so. Discussion The sections after the Introduction are where you begin the discussion, outlining relevant facts and events. A rule of thumb is that there should be at least one section or subsection heading per page. These sections after the Introduction will follow a logical pattern of thought. Make your headings longer than just one or two cryptic words, so that they also help the reader to quickly understand the sections and flow of the assignment. Present information in a logical order. Use information from a number of credible sources to support your findings and try not to include numeric calculations in the main body of the assignment. Instead, include these as an appendix to the assignment. This is to prevent interrupting the flow of the assignment. Acknowledge all sources using the Harvard ‘author-date’ style. The start of each section should make obvious its link to previous sections; for example, ‘The previous sections discussed strengths; this section turns to weaknesses’. Transition words are especially useful for this linking of paragraphs; for example, ‘moreover, furthermore, in addition, consequently, so, on the other hand, in contrast, but, however, nevertheless’.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Asses the Strengths and Limitations of Unstructured Interviews

Sociology Asses the strengths and limitations of unstructured interviews for the study of boys underachievement at school Unstructured interviews have advantages and disadvantages and as a qualitative method they are expressed through words and relay people’s thoughts, feelings and motivations. Unstructured interviews are interviews that don’t have certain questions meaning it’s more free and relaxed. They give us a deep understanding of the interviewees world because we can use the answers they give to shape our questions so that they are appropriate and relevant.However, using unstructured interviews can also cause problems, for example they take a long time to conduct. When looking at the advantages and disadvantages we need to look at how this effects what we are trying to research ‘boys underachievement at school’ as this will affect whether the advantages and limitations are relevant to the study. A few advantages of using unstructured intervie ws when studying the underachievement of boys are that the informality of the interview allows the interviewer to gain the trust of the interviewee which is important in this example.Boys at school will not feel comfortable explaining their time at school and why they do/don’t enjoy school if the interviewer is very formal and makes them feel intimidated whereas by using an unstructured interview it allows the boys being interviewed and the interviewee feel more comfortable around each other meaning the boys will be more open and truthful allowing the researcher to gain more and to collect more accurate and in depth data.Another advantage of using this method when researching boys underachievement at school is that because there are no set questions the interviewer can ask questions that they feel are important and will get the most valuable and informative answers which means the data collected will be more valuable. It also means that from the answers that the boys give the interviewer can change and adapt his questions to develop the answer given meaning the data collected will be in depth and very informative.Finally, an advantage of using this method when studying boys underachievement at school is that the interviewee and interviewer can check each other’s meanings. For example, if a question is asked and the boy doesn’t understand the interviewer can adapt and explain so that the boy can give a good answer. This is very good because it allows them to explain what they mean giving the other person a deeper understanding of the questions and answers meaning the interview will be more successful.However, there are also disadvantages of using unstructured interviews when researching boys underachievement at school. Unstructured interviews can take a long time to conduct which means that less can be carried out. This could cause a big problem to give a good range of answers the researcher/interviewer may want to visit different schools t o see how the answers differ in different schools and in different areas.However it would take too long to visit different places and schools because the actual interview takes too long itself. Another disadvantage is that it can go off topic meaning the interview is irrelevant. When interviewing a boy the interview could go off topic meaning that the interview would be useless as it wouldn’t give us any informative information that could you be used to draw up a conclusion.Finally, another disadvantage of using this method when researching boys underachievement at school is that they’re not reliable. As its unstructured the same interview can’t be carried out on lots of people as it will change each time depending on the answers given and how the interviewer responds to them. This means that researchers can’t replicate the interview or compare it to their own findings so there’s no way of knowing if it’s reliable or not.To conclude using un structured interviews when researching boys underachievement at school has both advantages and disadvantages that could mean it’s better and worse than structures interviews. However, I believe that it would still be a good method to use as it will give informative answers and allow the researcher to find out why boys aren’t doing so well at school. It will still give accurate answers as the boys will feel more relaxed meaning they can be looked at and analysed meaning we can draw a conclusion from them. Hannah Smillie

Friday, September 27, 2019

Six Philosophy Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Six Philosophy Questions - Essay Example Empiricists argue that empiricism is simpler compared to rationalism. It is supported by a simple scenario; that a blind person cannot tell what a given color looks like. However, an experience with one’s senses can solve the case therein. Answer for Question 2 Metaphysics - This is a branch of philosophy that is mainly concerned with describing and providing information about how nature came into being in the context of the world. Immanuel Kant is a renowned metaphysics philosopher, whose contribution to this branch entailed pure reason critiquing. Here Kant presents knowledge under aspects of constraining factors, such that what we know based on our knowledge is limited and constrained by identifiable factors. Ontology – This is the study of categories that are likely to be assigned to existing things or those things that are said to exist in/on some identified domain. A philosopher by the name Parmenides is rated among the initial proposers of ontology, fundamentally in the aspects of reality and its nature. Epistemology – This is a branch of philosophy primarily concerned with the definition and description of knowledge. It defines knowledge and outlines the process through which knowledge is acquired. In this regard, the idea is to assess the process through which people come to know what they know. This branch was introduced by a philosopher called James Frederick Ferrier. Ethics – This branch of philosophy addresses issues of morality. This branch of philosophy is also called moral philosophy. Socrates is a great figure in this branch. He successfully influenced scholars and citizens to diversify their attention and integrate humankind conditions in their subjects. Logic – This refers to a formal and a systematic exploration of principles. The principles herein include but not limited to validate inferences, correct and right reasoning. The discipline of logic in philosophy was introduced by Aristotle. Aristotle made em phasis on the fundamental roles of logic not only in philosophy but also in other fields of study. Aesthetics – This is a fundamental philosophy branch that addresses aspects and concepts of taste and preference, art and beauty. It focuses on how beauty is created and further outlines how to appreciate tastes, art and beauty. Political Philosophy – This is the study of specific topics that directly influence coherence of people in a given social setting. These topics include but not related to law, justice, rights and freedoms, as well the formulation and implementation of governing codes by an authoritative body. Cicero is among the greatest influencers of political philosophy. The philosopher’s work was to mobilize and influence the establishment, growth and development of organized societies. Answer for Question 3 Rene Descartes, born in France in the year 1956 is remembered for his contribution to the field of philosophy. Regarded as the modern science found er, Descartes is a man who offered philosophy and other fields of study a whole new way of thinking. His thinking disregarded assumptions and emotional-based ideas and beliefs. His doubt elicited the conclusion that he only believed and accepted ideas that could be proved or those that constituted a direct observation through systematic deductions. His starting point

Thursday, September 26, 2019

ESUS 3 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ESUS 3 assignment - Essay Example Similarly obesity adversely affects the health of an individual by increasing various cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, stroke etc, psychosocial problems, orthopaedic and respiratory difficulties. B. Obesity is measured as the main reason for damage of mitochondria required for metabolism and energy regulations (Bailer, 2015). Obesity is considered as the interaction of the social, cultural, genetic predisposition and environmental influences. C. The European court of justice suggests that Obesity should not be treated as the disability. The causes of obesity may demand for discrimination protection. The insurance department was of the opinion that people cannot claim insurance for receiving the disability benefit only because they are obese. The claim management is required to investigate various aspects and parameters of obesity and its impact on the morbidity psychosocial problems. The American Medical Association revealed in their research that obesity is considered as the illness and it can be considered as one of the factor contribution towards development of disability, but it cannot be regarded as the only factor. D. The European law does not discriminate on the ground of obesity, it may result in disability in future.ECJ judgment suggest that the symptoms of obesity may result in discrimination protection. But it cannot be regarded as the only element of disability, since the mental imbalance also results in disability of the person but it does not have any relation with obesity. A. Kartsen Kaltoft from Denmark was discharged from his job on the basis of obesity, but the Danish authority board and the union criticized against such discrimination made against the employee of the organization on the basis of obesity. The Union was on the behalf of the employee protesting against such rule of discharging out on the basis of

How the trp operon works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How the trp operon works - Essay Example The operon contains five types of structural genes: Trp A; Trp B; Trp C; Trp D; and Trp E with specific codes and synthesizing properties. The Trp operon regulates its own production through ‘negative feedback loop’ that promotes repressive affect resulting in non transfer of certain genetic expressions or codes (Oxender et. Al., 1979). Another important feature of Trp operon is that it has got attenuators and leader peptides comprising of nearly 140 nucleotides that help to dissociate RNA decoding from the DNA encoding and thereby repress the process of transcription. Thus their property of gene regulation becomes the most critical factor to study the highly complex process of hereditary characteristics and genetic behavioral pattern in living organisms. When it is liberated in the operator, the transcription is made possible and promotes genetic transfer of characteristics. Oxender, D. L., et al. (1979). Attenuation in the Escherichia coli tryptophan operon: Role of RNA secondary structure involving the tryptophan codon region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 76,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American security culture in history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American security culture in history - Essay Example Terrorism activities have been among the most life claiming catastrophes in this century. In America alone which is the world’s super power, terrorism has had an adverse effect especially after the 9/11 attacks and American citizens learnt how easy their security systems could have been bleached by the ruthless terrorist attackers. The constitution of the homeland security in 2002 was the most brilliant security measure that the United States governments could have come up with at that time in order to avert future catastrophic attacks in America. However, as the American government is exploring all available channels to stop future attacks, the terrorists are also working to ensure they exploit various weaknesses in the system and render to such attacks happening again. The task seeks to dig out several issues such as the reality of the terrorist attacks, ability to mitigate them to prevent reoccurrence and the effects on the citizens and security systems in place if they did occur. America having experienced a traumatizing encounter with terrorism, there is still suspicion and fear that other attacks can hit the American people by surprise. The fact that currently terrorists may gain access to weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, poisonous gasses, germ dispensers, and computer viruses should be a cause for alarm to security agencies in America. One of the cited loopholes that security critics feel could be exploited by aggressors is in the coordination of The Department of Homeland Security (DHS).The DHS having 22 existing agencies that report to numerous congressional committees and the nagging engagement of U.S public by the security personnel may be seen as a way of intruding their privacy. In a different context that could be seen as a success by the Homeland security but it may be a venue to be exploited by the terrorists is the fact that there has been no attack for almost 13 years

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Korean Vs American Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Korean Vs American Culture - Assignment Example Thus, they call them teacher (Sang-Hun 1). On the other hand, Americans greet their elders with either a handshake or a hug. It is also the same greeting between people of the same age since elderly base more on handshakes while the youths give many hugs. There is no particular tradition in America concerning greetings during New Year celebrations though most spend it together as a family. In America, the young address elders by their names and not considered offensive (Kim and Hong 63). The second difference of culture is that Korean students in elementary school go to school from 8 am to 3 pm. This is also the same for students in middle school. It changes when a student joins the high school where school starts at 6 am and ends at 6 pm. The students take a one-hour lunch break with a 20-30-minute break between one-hour classes. It is because one has to work extra hard to make it to college in Korea. There is much competition from people who want to join college. In America, school is strictly from 8 am to 4 pm. Americans have shorter breaks between classes compared to Koreans. Americans have greater opportunities to choose from so there is no pressure studying in order to go to college (Ford et al. 730). Food and type of meal are another cultural difference between Koreans and Americans. The Korean’s main dish is rice with a couple of side dishes. However, the most popular is Kimchi. This is a dish comprising a mixture of cabbage, fish, onions and much pepper. Koreans eat a lot of pepper in their food. There is another popular side dish Chopchae made of spinach, sweet potato, carrots, beef and different kind of spices. They also eat meat and pork covered with a lot of onions as a side dish. Americans, however, rarely have home cooked meals due to their busy schedules. It is easier for them to just eat out from fast food restaurants. Most Americans eat from McDonald's, Burger King and Domino.  The main kinds of food served in these places are burgers, chips and pizza (Ford et al. 730).  Ã‚  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Investment Fundamentals and Portfolio Management Research Paper

Investment Fundamentals and Portfolio Management - Research Paper Example The company has registered gross profit of $24.3 billion in the fiscal 2011 that is an increase of 4.1% over previous year. That has been achieved through better management practices and customer focused policies (The Home Depot, Inc., 2012). A significant increase in operating income at $6.7 billion has been registered compared to $5.8 billion posted in fiscal year 2010 – that means an impressive 14.1% increase in operating income on yearly basis (The Home Depot, Inc., 2012). The remarkable performance has been possible through four major key initiatives: focusing on customer service, increasing productivity and efficiency, innovation and portfolio strategy providing value to the customers (The Home Depot, Inc., 2012). Increasing shareholder value has been one of the major objectives of the Home Depot. Accordingly, the company resorted to buy-back its own shares and garnered 97 million shares from the market amounting to $3.5 billion during the year ended January 2012. In November 2011, the company rewarded its shareholders by declaring a cash dividend of 29 cents per share, a 16% increase over previous quarter proving that the company values its shareholders (The Home Depot, Inc., 2012). As per Federal Reserve Report of June 2012, economic growth has taken a dip. GDP growth rate reduced to 2% annually in the first quarter this year after touching a 3% growth rate in the last quarter of 2011. Employment conditions though improved in the last quarter of 2011 and first quarter of 2012; however, it slowed down during April and May this year. The unemployment rate, a crucial macroeconomic factor, was registered 8.2 percent in the second quarter of 2012. The forecast has it that the economic growth is likely to be at moderate levels in coming quarters. The depressed housing market is one of the major bottlenecks for the economy to grow at a faster

Sunday, September 22, 2019

I deserve to be a Scholar Essay Example for Free

I deserve to be a Scholar Essay To pass Education in UST is really an achievement for me. Before I took up the examination, I was so scared because, even though I am confident that I can manage to answer the exam, I am still afraid that I may not be able to have a slot because I am one of the applicants of the last batch. After passing the examination, I really regret that I failed to reserve my slot between the date I received the results up to the deadline of reservation. So, the moment the Dean of Education allowed me to have a late reservation for my slot in UST, I really felt absolute happiness and thanksgiving that finally, I am able to study on a decent and known school. Being asked by my classmates to teach them everytime they get trouble in studying makes me glad and pleasured. But you know what? There is a side that makes me confuse of choosing the course, Education. Why? Because many of my relatives, my father, and even the parents of my classmates said that Education doesn’t suit my intelligence. I deserve more. A higher degree and profession. They always recommend me medicine but well, I do like medicine and I really dreamt to be a doctor someday back to childhood days but its not the course I really prioritize right now. It’s not what do my heart and soul says. Maybe because I know that we cannot afford it and in reality, it takes too long to graduate. Moreover, I am finally decided to myself that I want to teach because I w as inspired by my late Mommy Joyce who is a LET passer and to my teachers that’s looks like enjoying the work they have. And in addition I really love teaching that’s why its final that I will focus in BS Education to be my course in College. It seems that teaching is a really nice profession and I imagine of going to a classroom full of students and be able to teach them and afterwards developed a professional one someday. To be offered such kind of scholarship makes me overwhelmed and confident of myself. It makes me think that I am so gifted to be given such glorious award. As I thought, I don’t need a scholarship because I am thinking that more people deserve this more than I do and I already credited my scholarship for being the Valedictorian so I am thinking that maybe, it’s already enough. But then, I realized that working abroad to earn a living for your two daughters and as well as aming for them to study in a good school is such a hard job for m y mom. So I was thinking that this opportunity might be a way to lessen the burden to my mom and to be given such additional scholarship would be a really big help for my college degree. Most of my mother’s childhood friends told me that my parents are really good in academics that’s why they think I inherited my intelligence form them. My mother also shared some of her memories and hardships she’d encountered and suffered when she was a student. She experienced being a laundrywoman to earn money for her to finish college and it was really hard for her not to eat sometimes just to save money for her projects and learning materials. According to her, there will be no success if you haven’t faced hardships at all. She always asked me to study hard for us not to have the same fate as hers. Because of her I am so persistent to study hard and finish my studies. I told myself that if I will be able to study without her financial support, it will be a big relief for her. Since my sister is studying as an Engineer at Mapua, she said that if I push studying in UST, her salary won’t be enough to sustain both of us as well as the expenses in our house and daily living. I cannot ask for my father’s help either cause he already have a new family and what he can get from his job is just enough for them. I believe that sholarships are granted for those students who has a potential and I am confident that I am one of tho se because back in highschool days, I have maintained a high and well good grades, participated in various organizations, active in school affairs, helpful to the teachers, loyal to my alma mater and even showed cooperation in my community. I always worry of having low grades and I really work hard in every little thing I do. I remember those nights that I am wide awake studying my lessons and reviewing for examinations. I am also a consistent honor student of my school. When I was in highschool, I always wanted to be a part of those programs and contests. Among my classmates, I am usually the one sent by my school as a representative on some events and contests like quizbee. In fact, I was awarded to be the Most Active of my class. I also received some special awards from our City Mayor for the completion of the days being an Imus Youth. I recite well during class hours and I even tutor my classmates before finals. With those moments and achievement I had in my highschool days, I a m proudly saying that I deserve to have this scholarship and I know that my characteristics made me a competitive applicant for this. That’s why, if blessed, I want to have this scholarship for I know that I am responsible enough, committed to my studies and my aims and goals in life would always bring me to success because I wholeheartedly waste my full and best effort in doing everything to achieve what I want. I never surrender and stop until I get what I want and I always do my best just to maintain high and good grades. Through this scholarship, I would be able to achieve my dream of becoming a professional teacher someday that’s why I will do everything so that I will not lose this scholarship. Most of all, whith the confidence and determination I have as a student, I believe that granting me this award won’t be a waste at all.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kentucky fried chicken

Kentucky fried chicken Entrepreneurship: Colonel Sanders started the Kentucky Fried Chicken at the age of 65. Presently KFC is one of the leading firms in food industry around the world. Over a billion KFC chicken dinners are served featuring the Colonels â€Å"finger likin good† recipe, each year. At the age of 40 Sanders first started cooking in a service station in Corbin, KY. But soon hundreds of people started coming to the service station for food instead for car service. Soon he shifted to a hotel and restaurant that had a capacity of holding 142 people at a time. With his special cooking techniques, Sanders station became well-known and he was acknowledged for his incredible cuisine by the Governor at the time, RubyLaffoonin 1935 when he was made a Kentucky Colonel.In 1939, Colonel Sanders restaurant won the top spot on Duncan Hines â€Å"Adventures in Good Eating.† In 1952 colonel sanders got good start for his company and devoted the rest of his life in franchising business. By 1964, over six hundred franchised outlets were opened in theUnited StatesandCanadafor his chicken. The company got listed on the New York Stock Exchange on January 16, 1969, only 3 years after it had gone public on March 17, 1966.Then on July 8, 1971 the company was taken over by Heublin Inc, for $285 million dollars. Soon the company grew to an enormous three thousand and five hundred franchised and company-owned restaurants world-wide.But after being regularly travelling around the globe, Colonel Sanders died of leukemia at the age of 90 in 1980. Nowadays its part of a bigger company known as Yum Brands. Advantages To Parent Business 1. Financial:It is another source of income through franchise fee and royalty. Also there is increase in Cash flow, return on investment and profits. 2. Operational:There is smaller centralized control as compared to developing and having locations by company itself. It also ensures consistency, enhanced productivity and better quality. Self-motivation as franchisees invests their own money. 3. Strategic:It helps in dividing risk by having multiple locations through peoples investment. That ensures faster network expansion and a better opportunity to focus on changing market needs. 4. Administrative:With a smaller central organization, the business maintains a more cost effective labor force, no change in important staff members and better recruitment. Disadvantages To Parent Business 1. Franchisor is required to have enough resources to recruit, train and support the new franchisees. 2. Franchisee may spoil the image of the company if he is not capable of running the franchise perfectly. 3. Also franchisor has to tell all the internal information of the company to the franchisee. So, privacy of company is also at risk.† Marketing/ Advertising â€Å"The KFC Marketing team focuses fervently on delivering an unvarying pipeline of mouth-watering meals. They try to search the wants of the customers and bring new innovative products to meet the customers standards. Target market is divided on the basis of demographic, geographic and psychographic segments. The pricing strategy that they follow while entering new market is price skimming. In starting they try to price their product a bit high and target the middle and upper class people. Than after some time they start lowering their prices to focus on middle to lower class people. They do this to get to larger part of the market. The Marketing team gives more importance to Operations and Product Excellence. They try to find new ways to develop and execute new ideas, as well as assessing the input of the finance in the business. The Marketing team is the primary medium of communication between the company and the customers. The budget of marketing is divided in accordance to the media buying and advertising production to guarantee a year round calendar of innovative news to drive consumers back to our restaurants every time. Advertising strategies are the same as any other firm but they have their distinctive slogan â€Å"finger likin good† which relates to quality of food they provide. KFC usually charges advertisement fee of 5% of the gross revenue to the individual stores. KFC charges a Local advertising fee of 3% and fee equal to 2% of the gross revenue for national advertising fee. Operations Management KFC primary raw material is chicken. They are not breed in a normal way. These chickens are kept alive by tubes inserted into their bodies to force blood and nutrients right through their body. They do not have any beaks, feathers as well as feet. Their bone structure is considerably shrunk to get more meat out of them. This is beneficial for KFC because they do not have to pay a huge quantity for their production costs. There is rarely any plucking of feathers or the removal of the beaks and feet. However this method has been disapproved of by many animal rights organizations and has been upsetting the image of the company. There have been many cases against KFC regarding the treatment of chickens in their farms. Cost Initial Investnment: â€Å" Expenditure Low High Initial Franchise Fee $25,000 $45,000 Development Services Fee Varies Varies Real Property $400,000 $1,000,000 Construction and Leasehold Improvements $575,000 $915,000 Equipment/Signage $216,000 $366,000 Opening Advertising $5,000 $5,000 Opening Inventory $10,000 $10,000 Utility Deposits and Business Licenses $7,000 $7,000 Initial Training $3,900 $10,000 Miscellaneous Opening Costs $5,000 $15,000 Additional Funds (3 months) $13,000 $18,000 Total $1,379,900 $2,391,000† The figures are taken from the KFC website. Please refer to the URL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: The franchisor does not provide any indirect or direct financing. They do guarantee any lease or obligation. KFC is one of the parts of organization named YUM brands. YUM Capital is a special purpose limited liability company structured under Delaware law, the sole member of which is YUM Capital Funding Corp a non-stock corporation in Delaware. YUM Capital issues commercial paper secured by loans purchased from YUM Capital Funding Corp and made by YUM Capital Funding Corp to franchisees in YUM restaurant brands. ROYALTY: KFC franchisees have to pay royalty fee equal to 4% of gross revenues or else minimum of $600 per month. BREAK-EVEN POINT: It is the condition of a company when they are having no profits. In other words when company is just paying all its expenses. If it has to be calculated from sales than a certain number has to be found out at which company is having no profit. An estimated amount of sales revenue for 2010 is 21926 million dollars and the estimated revenue is 1452 million dollars. So break-even point should be the difference of sales and revenue i.e. 20474 (21926-1452) million dollars. This means company has to earn At least 20474 million dollars to cover up all its expenses. Human Resource Management KFC stresses upon the fact that either franchisees or at least one of the managers should complete the training program set-up by the company. But KFC is very strict about asking for employees to complete the training process as per the companys discretion. Besides basic training if company has certain additional course work or programs they can ask the franchisee, managers and employees to do those too. The training program is generally of 4 days, each having a session of 8-10 hours each day. This kind of training technique helps in growing the efficiency of workers and managers and makes them accustomed with their work hence reducing the likelihood of errors and mistakes. But on the other hand this procedure can be time consuming and can possibly become more costly due to the excessive training that the possible employees have to go through before entering the organization. References: KFC Annual report. Key Takeaway This assignment helped in understanding different ways of managing a new business. It made me familiar with the concept of having a franchise business, what are the benefits of having franchise and what are the additional expenses of having a franchise business. Besides that it gave me an opportunity to review franchisees of KFC all over the world and helped me significantly in analyzing all the dynamics involved for having KFC franchise. In future if I want to start my own business I might give a preference to franchise form depending upon the kind of business I want to have.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Agency Roles in Health and Disease

Agency Roles in Health and Disease Introduction Health is a one of the main are in any country. Public health and social care is the area which has more government concern. Due to different factors there are many health hazards reported all over the world. These factors need to consider very seriously and within the country health management policies and procedures need to be updated to control some of the issues. The health sector cannot work isolate. They need to have links with the other government entities and private entities to collectively implement procedures and policies. To manage the public health support from the general public is highly essential. There is a proper defined structure in the health sector where all the functionalities are defined and well manage. Task 1 1.1 Role of Different agencies According to the Greener (2008; p. 45) National Health Service (NHS) is the total body responsible for the implementation of health related activities. The chief governor is the Secretary of state for health. He is responsible all the health related activities in the country. All other departments and governing bodies are coming under secretary. Secretary gives proper guidelines and commands to the other authorities about all the drugs management, new researches, disease management related policies and processes. Under the Secretary Department of Health is coming. Department of Health is responsible for the action plan and implementation of the policies defined and to manage the better health of the public. There are strategic health authorities are there to do the ground work implementation. One category is the primary care trust, which consider the peoples health for the emergency and any necessary assistance. There are community health service, General practitioners, dentists, pha rmacists and opticians. Each of them is responsible to play vital role in terms of public health. The second category is the NHS trust or the secondary care unit. This is the major section of the health service. Which has taken care of hospitals, clinics and other supportive services. As a public health care providers the government funds these and there are few voluntary services organisations who support to manage some of the activities. Hospitals are playing a key role in both prevention and cure. Epidemiological vaccinations are provided from the childs birth to prevent BCG and thereafter another series of doses to prevent different infections. For the cure also hospitals play a major role in different treatment methods implementation. Due to the change of the lifestyle of the people it is highly increasing the no of people who suffer from diabetes. Diabetic research unit is doing researches and providing guidelines for people how to prevent that kind of diseases as per the findings of Britain (2012: p. 3). 1.2 Statistical data analysis Infectious disease Due to the Wilson (2006: p. 67) Tuberculosis is one of the alerted infection in European countries. Since it needs 6 months continuous treatment people tent to forget some time to take drugs. Due to his if the normal tuberculosis turn into multi drug resistant tuberculosis it is very difficult to cure from existing medicines. Following statistics show the behaviour, patterns, and trends of tuberculosis. Noninfectious disease According to Merril and Timmreck (2006: p. 165) Diabetics are the most dangerous non infected disease. Once a person got diabetic it is critical because with it, high blood pressure, heart attacks and many other related complications may arise. At the UK rate of diabetic is around 5% of the population. This is again an alarming situation where the lifestyle matter a lot. 1.3 Effectiveness of the processes implemented Price et al. (2004: p. 78) say that health research organisation has already planed new developments and strategies to reduce and prevent tuberculosis from the UK. There are many strategies implemented and following are the key areas identified and the success of some of the areas. Develop new vaccine current TB vaccine was developed in 1921. It helps to protect 40,000 children every year. With the high rate of HIV and due to the speed it is spreading there is a requirement of researching for new vaccines. Develop more effective drugs Drugs currently using been discovered 40 years ago. Normally it need to treat many moths. Patients who are unable to take the proper drug course may get into drug resistance TB. Develop better diagnosis Present method of diagnosis sputum smear microscopy is 100 years old technique of identifying a patient and it is time consuming. There is a requirement of researching for a new method to identify a TB patient. Introduce innovation in TB control Since the UK TB rate is increasing and no of HIV patients are increasing, it is a requirement to find new methods to control TB. To prevent and cure diabetics there are some implementations planed. Below are some of the steps to prevent diabetes in the UK due to the Britain ( 2012: p. 23). Awareness of the risk of type 2 diabetics Support and advice for the people to minimise risk of diabetes Educate people who have diabetics to minimise complication Educate people to maintain blood glucose level Effective care for people who are hospitalised Above strategies are more forcussing the after effect care. But to prevent any of the disease it is required to educate people from the childhood. Then automatically the lifestyle of the people will change according to the correct health practices. This may be a 20 year project. Since the implementation is taking time this kind of a project need to execute from the government level as findings of HNS Website (2012). Task 2 2.1 Current priorities Due to the Farnan and Enriquez (2012: p. 112) the entire world is now facing a bigger problem, which is HIV. There are 3 main ways where HIV can be infected to another person. Sexual transmission Transmission through blood Mother to child transmission If these 3 risks can reduce the prevention of HIV is easy. There are some methods which are spelled out to reduce the risk. HIV testing Counselling Condom use Circumcision Family planning Sex education Since there is no proper medication found yet the best practice is to avoid people getting HIV. For this continues training programmes and awareness campaigns need to conduct. School children need to educate about the dangers and the prevention methods. All VOG sergeants need to take blood checkups for the pregnant mothers make sure children are not getting spread. This is the millennium challenge in from of us in this century to control HIV as findings of Ramaiah (2008: p. 62). 2.2 Disease prevalence Farnan and Enriquez (2012: p. 112) say that no of people and patients who are getting some medical testes does not count exact no of people who has suffered from the same disease. Same time there are many people who are not aware that they have already infected. Therefore the exact no of people needs to calculate using a model, understand the full effect to the society, and get ready for medication. Most of the diseases public is not aware the actual effect on them. It is necessary to educate them about the effects and synthems of the diastase and soon as feel uncomfortable to meet the GP and get treated. This is the best method of preventing the diseases spreading over the place. 2.3 Impact of Lifestyle Peoples health is depending on their behavioural patterns and lifestyle. This is a proven concept of today for many illnesses. As an example. Type 2 diabetes can be easily managed if the people get used to proper health habits and exercises. With the busy schedules of the people time that they have to spend for health maintenance got reduced. It is the biggest challenge the health sector is having now. The second reason is the dining patterns of people. Most of the people are not taking a balanced dilate. This affects their health in the long term. The next challenge is the people who suppose to come to clinics are not participating those in regular manner. This will break the medication process and for cases like TB can cause serious complications due to this as per findings of Kinger (2005; p. 123). Task 3 3.1 Health and wellbeing priorities According to the Bianchi et al. ( 2005: p. 45) considering the health and well being of people there are several factors combine together to affect the health of individual such as physical factors, sociological , psychological, economic and environmental factors. In addition to that there are several determinants that affect human health and well being. Mainly they are included; Physical factors- malfunction of the body parts, hormonal imbalance, immune system and genetic disorders that exist in the human body are physical factors that affect the health of people. It can be high blood pressure, high cholesterol, releasing stress hormone as well as genetic factors. The psychological factors- These are factors of psychological , behavioural and cultural that involve the physical health and illness of human . Stress is psychological factor and smoking, alcohol, unsafe sexual activities are behavioural factor that affects the health and illness due to Taylor (2012: p. 98). Environmental factors-The environment where people live and work is an environment and Physical environmental factors also affect the human well being and health such as safe water and environment make healthy place. In addition to that some biological, chemical and physical environment factors also affect the health and well being of human. Socioeconomic factors-Education, income, environment are the most important socioeconomic factors that affect the health and well being of human. As an example higher income and social health make better health. Higher education level link with both poor and better well being. And also social factors such as interaction with people, family and friends also important in the facts of Bianchi et al. ( 2005: p. 65). 3.2 Effectiveness of strategies, systems and policies Martin et al. (2010; p. 66) say that strategy is something which are defined by the people sometimes may not have real ground level experience. The policy and the implementation requirements are the factors which need to implement to overcome the issues. However, there can be instances where the ground level implementation is not possible according to the defined guidelines. This may be due to the economical, social, cultural and behavioural patterns of the people. In such situations the policy framework wither not implemented or the implementation will be partial. Then the result will be not according to the predictions. The policy framework needs to define for these areas separately and implementation should carry out accordingly to get the maximum gain. 3.3 Improve health and well being To improve the health and well being it is important to understand the factors which are causing the route. Sometimes social factors such as poverty cause poor health habits and negligence. Physical factors According to Taylor (2012: p. 136) physical factors are high blood pressure, high cholesterol level like things and these can be created due to psychological factors also. In a high work pressure it can create stress as well as increase the blood pressure. Behavioural factors such as eating behaviour can increase the cholesterol levels , sugar levels as well as carbohydrate levels of the body and it will affect the health and well being of the person. In addition to that genetic factors play a part in health and well being by developing certain illness. People need to make aware of such incidents and make necessary arrangements to treat them with priority. Psychological factors Brannon and Feist (2009: p. 56) say that most of psychological factors indirectly influence on human health such as changing behaviour of human. It affects the eating, sleeping, socializing of human and it also affect the hormonal changes as well as heart functions such as heart rates. It makes physical health problems such as heart attacks. As an example stress is a psychological determinant and it affect the memory and reduce the efficiency of the immune system. It influences the reduction of white blood cells and cause bacterial infections mailing physical illness in the human. Depression is another psychological factor that affects heart disease. Its impact on h heart and circulatory system function and mark towards attacks also. In addition to the lack of exercise and excessive use of alcohol, drug abuse like poor habit also related to depression. Insomnia is another psychological factor and causes for that are experts, anxiety, depression and stress. This altered thiamine system and rheumatoid, arthritis like infection can suffer due to that. According to that all these affect the health and well being of human as findings per Rice (2008: p 126). Behavioural factors Jones and Creedy (2012: p. 36) say that for the health and well being of human behaviour also influenced. As an example smoking, drinking drug abusing are behaviours that affect the health. There are several health effects of alcohol consumption. It is damaging most of the body parts. Social economic factors Due to Glanz et al. (2008 : p. 89) poverty is the most important factor that affects the health and well being of people. There is no enough money to live and it influences the mental stress conditions and it causes the work overload lack of sleep etc. These are the causes of other health diseases such as heart attacks. In addition to that poverty affect the food also. There is no adequate food and due to that can increase the nutritional issues such as malnutrition and other nutrition deficiency diseases. Low income people have no time to prepare a good meal and it also causes nutrition problems. The education level also can less and it also leads to unbalance diet that causes the obesity and other diseases. According to that each and every way it shows that the poverty causes the health and well being of humanity. Environmental factors According to the Winkelman (2008: p. 910 environments that human life and work is a very important determinant of their health and well being. Climate, culture, religion, workplace are environmental factors that important in overall well being. As an example the environment with polluted air , water will enhance the negative health and clean air and safe water make a positive health effect. As well as these the working environment also affects the health and well being of humanity. If working environment is no good it make stress to the human and destroy their satisfaction due to other workers and conditions of work environment. Other factors According to the Windsor (2000: p. 98) Social factors such as family background, friends, working members also affect on the health and well being of human. It is related to good relationships and make happy and it affects the mental health of human. In addition to that biology and genetics also other health and well being determined. As an example certain diseases and health conditions from a parent can affect their child and also the behaviour of parent can effect to the child such as stress and mental conditions. Due to the Fisher (2003: p. 95) culture is another factor determine the health and well being because due to some cultural tends also it destroy heath of human. As an example due to some cultures there can be bad feeding habits and believes and it can cause for health and well being of people. Gender is another important factor that affects the health and well being. As and example there can be same diseases in some stages of female than male. And also retention capacity of stress is less in female than the males. This leads to week mental health of female than the male and it is a major determinant. 3.4 Activities need implement to improve health and social care According to Martin et al. (2010; p. 89) there are certain processor to implement as precautionary actions to control spreading health diseases. It is recommended to start health camps from the school level, where the vaccinations and related health camps can be conducted to maintain the school children health. The next most important set of people is elderly community. According to social security information planned visits need to arrange weekly or monthly to check the health status of these people. One of the best practice to control diseases coming to the country is to manage it from the border control. Department of health need to work further closely with immigrations to implement the set guidelines to minimise people coming from infected countries or countries. Conclusion Health sector controls the entire economy in one angle. Because if the people are not well they may not be able to contribute to the economy. In this assignment health sector organisational hiearcahy identified with the roles of each entity. Some of the infectious and noninfectious diseases analysed with statistical data and key elements of improvements to control procedures and their issues being identified. Country and the world facing the change of HIV. Some of the information and procedures mentioned to control health related issues and practical difficulties. Human related wellbeing factors and the most alarming situations explained and solutions to overcome those issues identified. There are some better implementations required to further increase the health of the public.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hiroshima :: essays research papers

Hiroshima   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Would you be afraid of an atomic bomb dropping on your city? In August 1945, World War II was finally dying down. The United States, including her allies, had already defeated Germany by this time and had reclaimed land that had been taken over by Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Now that the United States and her allies had defeated the Nazis all the attention was pointed towards Japan. Japan was a city that would fight to the very end, and if needed fight to the very last man. The people of Japan did not believe in surrendering to anyone. Do you think that the people of Japan were afraid of the bomb that the United States’ best physicists had created? (Claypool 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The people of Japan did not know the power of the atomic bomb and so they were not afraid of the United States. An hour before the United States dropped the bomb, Japan had detected the approach of some American aircraft heading towards the southern part of Japan. (The Manhattan Engineer District) The Japanese were in fear of a huge B-29 raid that could occur. At 8:00 a.m. the radar operator in Hiroshima determined that the number of planes coming was only a couple and probably not more than three. Basically, the Japanese were pretty clueless of what was coming. What was coming? There were a total of 7 B-29s flying towards the city of Hiroshima. One plane was a stand-by plane; three of them were weather planes, two of the planes carried scientific equipment and observers. The final B-29, the â€Å"Enola Gay,† carried the first atomic bomb Nelson 2 that would be dropped on Hiroshima. In less than three hours, sixty percent of Hiroshima would be erased. (Hersey 35) Hiroshima was located on a flat delta off the Ota River. The Ota River had 7 channels that divide the city into 6 islands. The city of Hiroshima was slightly above sea level and was almost entirely flat. It consisted of 26 square miles, and out of the 26, only 6 square miles were built-up. Seventy-five percent of the people had lived in the center of Hiroshima. (The Manhattan Engineer District)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There was no separation between commercial, industrial, and residential zones. The houses and industrial buildings were made of wood. Also, the outskirts of the center of the city had an area of close small wooden workshops that were scattered between the Japanese houses.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Road Not Taken and the Journey of Life :: Road Not Taken essays

The Road Not Taken and the Journey of Life This poem by Robert Frost was first read to me in the last year of my high school experience. Back then, not only did I have absolutely no interest in any literary work, but moreover, had no intension to lye there and analyze a poem into its symbolic definitions. Only now have I been taught the proper way to read a literary work as a formalistic critic might read. With this new approach to literature I can understand the underlying meaning to Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken". In addition to merely grasping the author's intension, I was able to justly incur that this poem, without directly mentioning anything about life's decisions, is in its entirety about just that. Robert Frost interpreted most of the decisions we make in life into this twenty-line poem of a man choosing which path to take in a "yellow wood". Everyday I make a decision to do a certain task, take that certain walk, or to sit at home and do absolutely nothing. Being one person, I can never know for sure what the exact outcome might be if I were to choose the other decision. For instance, I take a leisurely walk every night and I sacrifice my time to do something else. Although this may not always account to me personally, I do sometimes think what the other choice may have brought me. And often times, I complete the task with a sense of relief, a "sigh" perhaps, that the choice I made turned to be a well-made decision. Though most people rarely look into the sacrifice of decision making the way Robert Frost does, it is indeed a highly examined way too understand "a path less traveled by". The first stanza introduced the reader to the decision the author would have to make. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" to me signified that the result of his decision would arise from the same origin to which in my own life, I can reflect on. And though he would like to have seen the outcome of both paths, he knew he could only choose one. And to help him decide, he would look down both choices and see only until the road took a bend.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Research on adolescent girls who attend different schools Essay

The study consists of research on adolescent girls who attend four different schools. These researchers emphasis on social behavior would be reflected in both quantitative and qualitative measures. The research question ‘Is social experiences are central to the adolescent experience in girls. The hypothesis is social experiences are central to the adolescent experience in girls. The methods the study consists of are orientation session at school that day for the girls who participate in the study. Then they were told that via email to go to study’s website and complete the forms. The girls were given instructions to complete the activities questionnaire and the writing sample online. They are given till 8:00pm that night to complete the online forms after school. There were two measurements or instruments that were used in the study, Activity assessment online and writing sample online. The activity assessment online was revised of Passmore and French’s (1998)Less ure questionnaire/revised for their age group. Example from the article was leisure turned into activities less common modified to tell or describe their activities for that particular day (Feyberg, 2009). The activity assessment consisted of three domains, sense of accomplishment often through competition or a personal challenge (achievement activities). The second domain is those that are social in nature (social activities). Lastly, the third domain is that promotes relaxation and is often solitary (relaxation activities) (Feyberg, 2009). The participants were allowed to report up to ten activities for each domain. Then they had to tell the three they spent the most time doing, most enjoyed, most meaningful, and how much they engaged in the activity. Then they were to rate them from 1 to 5. This scale that was used is known as the five point Likert Scale from 1 is being less than 30 minutes and 5 being more than four hours (Feyberg, 2009). Then they were added up to a maximum points of 15 per domain. Participants reported their enjoyment of up to three achievement, social, relaxation activities on a 4 point Liker Scale from 1 (not enjoyable) and four (very enjoyable) for a maximum of 12 points per domain. The next one is degree of meaningful based points of Likert Scale 1 (not meaningful) and 4 (very meaningful). The last one is to choose if they are engaged in certain activities. They would mark 1 if they were engaged in it and 0 if they are not engaged in it for a maximum of three points (Feyberg, 2009). The second  activity is a writing assessment written online. Previous research proves that words use convey extensive information about social and emotional processes. The writing samples would provide meaningful information about personal experience and not to be captured by self- report scales. Writing examples is to be written on a website by the author for the study. They were to think about a personal experience that you participated and have a good recollection of (Feyberg, 2009). The written sample is was needed to be a descriptive of the experience include feelings and could write as much as they wanted. The written sample examines different in affiliation, achievement, or power themes. Each theme was composed of four subcategories and if the written sample contained at least one of them, it was awarded one point and if all three was in the sample then four points were awarded (Feyberg, 2009). The three themes were afflication, achievement, and narratives. Afflication consisted of four subcategories, positive effect, dialogue, commitments, and surrender of code. Achievement theme consisted of achievement imagery, anticipating success, world block, and negative feelings. Narratives theme consisted of general power imagery, increased prestige, lower prestige, and effect. Particapants consisted of 57 adolescent girls who attended four different schools. They ranged from ages 11 to 19 years of age and in grades from 6th to 12th. The girls age ranged from 12 girls; 11 to 13 (early adolescent), 22 girls; 14-16 (middle adolescent), 23; 17 to 19 (late adolescent). 49 describe themselves as white, 4 as African American, 2 as other, and 1 as Hispanic (Feyberg, 2009). The results were evualted by ANOVA. ANOVA showed significant differences for reported time, enjoyment, meaningfulness, and choice in achievement, social, and relaxation activities. Follow up contrast demonstrated spent more time in achievement then relaxation. The trend for spending more time in social then relaxation. No significant different in achievement and social. Employment results showed significant main effect found. Follow up reported greater enjoyment in relaxation then achievement. Reports show higher levels of enjoyment in social than in achievement. No significant differences in the amount of enjoyment reports for social and relaxation. Meaningfulness results show higher levels of achievement than social activities. No reports for meaningfulness for social and relaxation. Significance of social behavior in adolescent girls by the use of two  methods, self-reports, and narrative analysis. Recalling social behavior for adolescent girls, the two methods, which were diffe rent in their approaches to understanding adolescent experiences. Although it was predicted that both methods would provide similar information about adolescent social experience. According to the narrative analysis demonstration that participated used more afflication themes than achievement or power theme. the strengths of the experiment was too asked to describe a personal experience, so researches could identify their narratives. The weakness is that they only test this on girls. The limitations of the study were that they examine one gender due to likelihood of an invalid across-group comparison.† Study demonstrated that quantities and qualitative methods were not significantly correlated with one another (Feyberg, 2009). One suggestion I could say would benefit is examine this same study on boys. Reference Freyberg, R. (2009). Quantitive and Qualitive Measures of Behavior in Adolescent Girls. Adolescene, 44(173),33-54.

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of West African dance, different type of dance and the drum Essay

West African dance reached the Americas during the slave trade. Slaves were often prohibited from dancing, but African-based movements found their way into European dance styles, quickly evolving into popular American dances. The influence of African dance can be seen in early American dances, such as the Ring Shout and the Cakewalk, and later dances such as the Jitterbug, and the Charleston. The influence is still visible in more contemporary styles of dance including hip-hop and jazz. West Africa is made up of 16 different countries containing multiple tribes and cultures, each with a different set of dance. Many dances are only known within the particular tribe they come from, but most share, the common element of drumming as the dancing music. Dancing in West Africa is a form of social interaction, where the whole tribe comes together. Different dances are also performed on different occasions, such as initiations, funerals and marriages. Adzogbo is an ancient ritual war dance originating in Benin. Dancers usually wear red and black when performing the Adzogbo dance. The Adzogbu is a dance of the Ewe people of Ghana and incorporates movements used in battle (throwing a spear, for example) into the dance. As with most West African dances, the Adzogbu is normally performed by a circle of dancers, and this particular dance has a very complex drum rhythm.†¨According to the California Institute of the Arts, Bawa is a traditional harvest dance of the Dagarthi people from Lobi, northern Ghana. The dance is performed as a ritual thanksgiving to the gods and ancestors, but also as an appeal for the success of next year’s crops. The Bawa incorporates many of the movements often seen in fieldwork, such as threshing and planting, in a stylized manner. The Bawa dance is performed by members of the community of all ages and sexes. The Mouwa dance is performed by the Minianka, Senufo and Bambara people of Mali. According to Kentucky Educational Television, the Mouwa is performed by those villagers whose are responsible for weeding the fields. The dance is a form of motivation that anyone initiates when the pace of work has slowed. It is also performed before beginning work, and during weeding the dance’s song is usually sung to help the work go faster.†¨The Gomba is a funeral dance of the Bambara people of Mali. The dance is taught over a period of seven years to members of the tribe, and the teaching is done in secrecy in the forest. The Gomba is not a dance performed in frivolity; rather it is undertaken in the utmost solemnity, to mark the seriousness of the occasion.†¨ Drums, played with hands and sticks, are a vital component of West African dance. The drum is the â€Å"language† that the dancer interprets. The drum patterns signify a dancer when to start or stop a certain move, and what moves to use. The dancer also challenges and directs the drummer through his or her moves. The drummer translates the dancers moves into rhythms. The drummer and dancer are interconnected. The largest of the three drums is dundumba, which has the deepest voice and typically plays phrases that accentuate the rhythm’s foundation and interact melodically with the sangban. The sangban, is the middle-size drum, is tuned to mid-frequency that matches the tone of the djembe, and often plays a lead role in creating the core identity of the rhythm, with specific calls and variations that communicate to the dancers. The smallest of the family is kenkeni, which has the highest voice best suited to keep the pulse, or downbeat, of the rhythm. Each distinct part played by dundumba, sangan, or kenkeni typically has a bell pattern related to the drum pattern.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Hypothetical New School

In the post-modern knowledge society, the role of the school in the education of the youth is paramount.   Education should develop the holistic person through the implementation of an educational program in the school.Among the auxiliary services of school, the library is directly related to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are important to developing the youth’s potentials for a functional membership in his society.   This paper proposes a library design in terms of its basic features contained in the educational philosophy of a hypothetical school.New School Library PhilosophyIn the holistic education of a student, a school endeavors to develop the whole person composed of mind, heart, body, and spirit.   The school library herein proposed shall be devoted to the attainment of the basic vision of educating the youth to be a holistic person predominated by his spiritual intelligence with an ethical conscience that is able to guide his in living as a functional member of society—local and international.With a superior spiritual intelligence, a holistic person is able to develop and utilize all the other aspects of his personality, mind, body, and heart since the spirit influences all these aspects.   Spiritual intelligence is â€Å"the guidance of all three other intelligences,† (Latumahina, 2007.)   Spiritual intelligence can be developed â€Å"through making and keeping promises, educating and obeying your conscience, and asking questions yourself and living the answers.†Spiritual Intelligence and the Library. The school library herein proposed will provide great opportunities for developing the spiritual intelligence of its clients.   The working and learning environment is of great emphasis.The library staff shall be imbued with compassionate and caring attitudes towards the school and the outside community.   Moreover, the library staff will be composed of highly trained professionals in t he delivery of services to the students, teachers, school employees and outside clients.They shall work for and with those clients, thus, making the school library a service center of the school.   Working closely with the clientele also develops and utilizes their spiritual intelligence, which they pass on to the students.   The staff will therefore be not only â€Å"servicing workers† but also â€Å"instructing librarians.†Beyond the physical domain of the library, the staff will be rendering community service with the students, teachers and administrators, thus, making them an integral part of the school and community.The school library emphasizes service to its clientele and the community.   It will focus on service learning. It will promote ethical, civic, and academic growth through learning projects. These projects shall bring the school to the community.   Students, teachers, and parent volunteers will participate in reading projects where teachers, adm inistrators, librarians, parents and students read out loud to the community.Projects like these will help school community members, students, teachers, parents, and other citizens discover core values they have in common, and they will learn teamwork, decision-making skills, and strategies for implementing effective service learning projects. These projects will enable students to acquire teamwork and decision-making skills as well as strategies for action.The library materials shall be composed of books, journals, magazines, electronic media and others that will be useful for developing knowledge, skills and attitudes which are important to life and career.   They shall be influencing the development of mind, body, heart, and spirit.The library collections shall evenly address the needs of the students in learning the basic sciences, social studies, humanities, arts, languages and technology.   Interactive electronic materials will be especially devoted to the development of s ocial grace, ethics, values and morality.   Multicultural education will be given emphasis in the selection of reading materials and interactive materials in the social studies.Ethics and the New School.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In realizing the vision of educating the holistic person, the mission of the new school, therefore, puts emphasis on the development of the ethical conscience of the students, thereby unfolding their spiritual intelligence.This will be realized by incorporating ethics and morality as an integrated aspect of the school curriculum.   Ethics and morality guide the individual in being and becoming a functional member of society.   Foremost, the individual sets his goals in life in consideration of the overarching goals of society, which is peaceful co-existence and living with the rest of mankind — a main ingredient of multicultural education.Goal-achievement is guided by an ethical conscience toward to tolerance for other cultures and societies as well as c are for the environment.   The new school fosters tolerance through the compassionate and caring values and attitudes of its administrators, teachers and employees.The school library shall be at the forefront of the service-oriented school staff.   The librarians and other library workers will set examples in the development of spiritual intelligence.   Every staff member will be an instructional model of ethics and morality.A tender, loving, and caring attitude shall be radiated by every worker rendering services to the clients.   It is by fostering a library environment which serves and cares that the ethics of tolerance and co-existence will be taught to the students.   It will be teaching by example.Primary Purpose of Education at the New School.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Self-enhancement, therefore, shall be the main purpose for which the school’s educational program will be designed and implemented.   It is assumed that every human being is undergoing the educative pr ocess as she lives in society with all relevant social institutions nurturing and nourishing his.But the new school will be enhancing that education through transformation.   Transformative education will, thus, be the hallmark of the new school.   It shall endeavor to provide every possible opportunity for the unfolding of the potentials of the individual for a fruitful and rewarding life spent with the rest of the community of mankind.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Tragedy and the Common Man in Hamlet

Katelyn Stoll Professor Hall English 102 11 November 2009 â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man† in Hamlet Arthur Miller notes that, â€Å"The tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thing—his sense of personal dignity† (1). This characteristic seen in most tragedies is definitely evident in the character of Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The moment that Hamlet learns from the ghost that Claudius has committed regicide, his goal becomes clear: he has to avenge the death of his father by murdering his uncle. Hamlet could not stand idly by while the assassin of his saintly father had an affair with his mother Gertrude and lied to the people of Denmark. However, Hamlet’s tragic flaw prevents him from taking action quickly. During the course of the play, the prince notes that he has yet to perform any action against his uncle Claudius, and he wonders why this is. The character of Hamlet is prone to reasoning and long soliloquies, not action; this, in my opinion, is his tragic flaw. The apparition of the late Hamlet informs his son that Claudius, the current king of Denmark, poisoned him. Upon hearing the news, Hamlet is enraged and swears to take revenge against his usurping uncle. Almost immediately he is ready to lay down his life to correct what has been done, and he now has a â€Å"†¦willingness to throw all he has into the contest, the battle to secure his rightful place in his world† (3). It is at this moment in the play that Hamlet takes on the role of the familiar tragic hero and acts accordingly. He was displaced from the life that he knew and loved and was not awarded with his rightful position in society. Hamlet should be the king of Denmark if what the ghost told him is true; not only is Hamlet not the king of Denmark, but also his mental health is constantly being called into question. He is losing ranks in society awfully quickly, and part of Arthur Miller’s definition of the tragic hero is that the hero strives to evaluate himself justly. His tragic flaw does not allow him to regain his personal dignity, however, and Hamlet becomes frustrated over time because of this. He either takes too much time thinking everything through, or he reacts impulsively and violently when the situation does not call for it. This is seen when Hamlet accidentally stabs Polonius to death, thinking him to be a spy. His tragic flaw is not knowing when or how to act aggressively, and it really costs him in the end. According to Miller, â€Å"For, if it is true to say that in essence the tragic hero is intent upon claiming his whole due as a personality, and if this struggle must be total and without reservation, then it automatically demonstrates the indestructible will of man to achieve his humanity† (4). He argues that the tragic play has a lot more to offer the spectator than just a sad or unfortunate ending. Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet concludes with the deaths of Gertrude, Laertes, Hamlet and Claudius. The point of this play, however, is not that four people died, but that Hamlet was finally able to avenge the death of his father. Although this was not a perfect victory for Hamlet, he was able to attain his goals, and this demonstrates the will of man (even the common man) to secure his sense of personal dignity. The thrust for freedom is the quality in tragedy which exalts† (3). The conclusion of Hamlet is both a wonderful and depressing one. In one sense, Hamlet is not a tragic hero, because he was able to overcome his tragic flaw and slay Claudius. In another more realistic sense, however, he perfectly fits the description of the tragic hero because he does not live long enough to see the benefits of his actions. Hamlet is never able to evaluate himself justly, and that was his main objective. In the tragic view the need of man to wholly realize himself is the only fixed star, and whatever it is that hedges his nature and lowers it is ripe for attack and examination† (3). Hamlet perfectly adheres to the definition of the tragic hero of Arthur Miller, because of his need to regain his personal dignity, his tragic flaw preventing him for achieving this, and a tragic ending in which his goals are never realized. Works Cited â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man by Arthur Miller. † Home Page of TheLiteraryLink, Dr. Janice Patten. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Interview a parent on their child Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Interview a parent on their child - Essay Example He is therefore rated as an average student. He is good in sketching and drawing; does not like to attend social events or family reunions with extended family members; he rarely goes out except to school; and he is basically reported to possess good manners, though rarely takes the initiative to help in household chores. He is reported not to be easily angered, nor hot tempered; he rarely fights with his siblings, or with anyone else, for that matter. His mother disclosed that â€Å"as the youngest child, the only challenging event remembered of him was when he broke his left arm from a motorcycle accident – where he rode as a back rider, when his eldest brother took the motorcycle for a spin†. As he apparently learned from that incident, he never attempted to undertake risky activities or endeavors. Overall, the child is described to be secure and happy in his home environment. As stressed, â€Å"the most important function of parents is to give their children a happ y home — not because it will make them more likely to succeed but because everyone has a right to a happy home life† (Kingsbury, 2009, par. 8). Since the atmosphere is most congenial and happy at home, the child apparently prefers staying home than developing social interactions. Parent’s Responses to Child’s Characteristics and Management of Conflicts The parent, a 50 year old female, is physically, mentally, and emotionally stable to address to the child’s unique needs and characteristics. She reportedly graduated with a master’s degree in business and worked before as a manager of a regional bank. Having met several challenges and difficulties due to the health condition of her husband, who allegedly had diabetes with chronic renal problems, she had to resign from her job and find employment working as a freelance writer through online writing cites. One asked how being a single mother affects her ability to manage conflicts; to which she replied that knowing that she is alone, she had to apply effective parenting style that is deemed most effective to the personalities of her children. Doing so would enable them to address and manage the challenges and conflict well. When her son broke his left arm in the abovementioned motorcycle accident, she reported that both she and her husband immediately brought him to the hospital and had him x-rayed. The left arm had to be placed in a cast which allegedly lasted for three months. She noted that she had been a hands-on mother who addressed the different needs of her children; including academic guidance, financial support, emotional and physical assistance, as well as psychological and spiritual through frequent and regular open communication and observance of religious practice. As explicitly the parent stated: â€Å"I love all my children and I make sure that I provide them with unconditional love and holistic support, as needed. Since their father’s death in 201 0, it had been so challenging to support all of them and assuming the roles of provider, mother, housekeeper, writer, guidance counselor, and of course, a confidante, as they would require.† The situation exhibited by the parent-child relationship corroborated Luxton’s (2011 assertion that â€Å"because child rearing involves ensuring the physical, emotional and social development of a child from the total dependency of infancy to the relative

Thursday, September 12, 2019

School districts mission statements Research Paper

School districts mission statements - Research Paper Example Goals and objectives are important in complementing the process of achieving the vision of a company. Goals and objectives are important tools that are used in enabling an organisation to execute its mission statements effectively. In this regard, goals and objectives in an organisation should be in tandem with the particular mission statements. A school is an institution where learning takes place in order to transform the minds of learners towards setting and achieving their goals in life. Goals and objectives in school should focus on the values that a school impacts on the lives of learners in the process of executing their functions. In any country, a school is expected to make available quality education while at the same time, create and maintain suitable standards upon which the educational goals and objectives are to be met. These are the standards upon which a school is deemed effective or not; schools that perform excellently with proper standards are those that have clearly defined mission and vision statements with suitable approaches in achieving their goals and objectives (Carter & Roebuck 2006). â€Å"Jackson County Schools will provide excellent educational opportunities for ALL students in a safe and orderly environment that fosters respect, trust, honesty and responsibility† (Jackson county School 2014). In this school, the mission and vision statements seem to be clearly in line with the student learning and achievement. It has dedicated itself to putting up structures and systems to enable it achieve these priories; to this effect, it has established manageable goals that it intends to use to achieve its mission and vision statements. The data profile of the school is expansive, showing various activities and functions that the school is involved in its academic calendar. The data profile contains among other things the students learning calendar and timetable, activities to take place during that time, as well ways by which parents can